News for the end of June!

Camp Meribah is July 4-9 – We need information for camp from the following families:

·      Offutt
·      Williams (Tag & Jena)
·      Swafford
·      Singleton
·      Hernandez
·      Reams

If your name is on this list, please see (or call) Brad ASAP.  Many families have asked about multiple student pricing.  If you are sending multiple campers, the first camper will cost $120, every camper after that will cost $100 each.  Adult workers will pay $50 each to offset costs for the week of camp. 

Youth Led Worship, Camp Info Meeting and Family Devotional will be this Sunday night 5-7 PM.  Immediately following Youth Led Worship adults will meet with Brad Sullivan about Camp Meribah (July 4-9).   We will eat supper together after the meeting.  Everyone bring an entrée and a dessert.  

High School Girls Bible Study- every Wednesday at 9 AM.  Meet at Emily’s house!

Middle School Girls Bible Study- every Thursday at 9 AM.  Meet at church!

Guys Bible Study starts this Thursday Night from 7-8:30 PM, bring money for Sonic drinks. 

Summer Youth Series – Next Monday, June 29th we will be traveling to Johnson Street CoC in Greenville.  We will leave at 6:15, return by 9:45 PM.

Sunday AM Class - There will be family devotional sheets available every week that build off of the Sunday lesson.  These lessons will be available in both paper format and on this blog (see below).  Take advantage of these family devotional times with your child(ren.)

This blog is intended to help communicate to you what the youth ministry at League Street Church of Christ in Sulphur Springs, TX has planned.  This blog will be updated weekly and will be advertised through email and our Facebook group.  You may come to this blog at any time to get information on upcoming events for the youth ministry

Living Loud Sunday Lessons ::Nehemiah:  Rising to the Challenge 
Lesson three Family Devotion 

There’s a classic line from the classic movie Forrest Gump in which the main character says, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” It was Forrest’s mom who first shared that with him, and according to the story, his life pretty much moved according to that philosophy. He went from being a slow-to-learn and crippled child to a star athlete and financial success—none of which he or anyone else could have ever predicted. It wasn’t so much because Forrest had high ambitions or that he had developed a particular set of skills. It’s just that no one ever told him that he was limited, and he used what he had been handed in life. Consequently, one experience led to another, each preparing him for what was coming next. Forrest became a “mover and a shaker” because of what life handed him. 

Nehemiah might not have known what was coming, but he took on the challenge of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem with God’s help. As a family, read Nehemiah 4:1–3, 6:5–9, and 6:15–16. 

While serving as the cupbearer to the king of Persia, Nehemiah was ready to take a risk! After all, he had to drink from the cup first to make sure that nobody was trying to poison the king! Upon hearing that the wall and gates of Jerusalem had been vandalized, Nehemiah left with the king’s blessings to attempt what others had never considered. Taunted and ridiculed by his enemies, he prayed for God’s strength as he led the Jews in a monumental task of rebuilding the wall. He shocked friends and enemies because he completed the task in just 52 days!  According to Nehemiah 6:16, “When all the nations heard of it and saw it, they lost their confidence, for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God!” 

What about you? Are you willing to take a risk or two in the daily challenges of life? If so, maybe it’s God’s way of getting you ready to do something unusually wonderful for Him! Look at every daily task as training ground to equip you for the bigger challenge that awaits you! 

Connection Questions 

1. Are you a “mover and a shaker” for Christ? What might be holding you back from doing things that God wants you to do? 

2. List the character traits of Nehemiah, Sanballot, and Tobiah. Which of these men are you most like in your relationships with others and with Christ? 

3. When Nehemiah heard of the destruction in Jerusalem, he began to pray. What moves you to prayer and asking God to work in your life and the lives of others? 

4. Nehemiah continued with prayers of repentance. What prayers of repentance and specific requests do you need to make in order to rebuild areas of your life that may be broken? 

5. Nehemiah ended his prayer with a commitment to the task. He recognized the risk, and he was willing to follow through. What relationships in your life need strengthening?


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