February 22, 2016

We rejoice with our new brother in Christ, John Cortez!  Be sure to encourage him and our other new brother and sisters: Norissa Lane, Christian Plunkett, and Celeste Robertson.

Parents of girls! You do not want to miss the DFW Girls Gathering. This event is hosted by female leaders from different churches specifically for our girls. It is April 15-16 and it only costs $30 if you register by March 6. It is also a great way for moms to spend a few hours with their daughters away from the craziness of everyday life. If you want to help with this trip, see Brad soon!

Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast happens every week school is in session at 7:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Join us for this awesome time of prayer, Bible study and fellowship. The families who are slated to provide breakfast in the coming weeks are:

February 23 - Reams
March 1 - Hernandez
March 8 - Santillian
March 15 - Spring Break (no PB)
March 22 - Brewer
March 29 - Bassham & Bramblett

Monday Night Bible Study - Take note!  Our small group Bible study has moved back from Thursday night to Monday nights.

  • High School guys & girls will meet at the home of Emily & David Westberry 7-8:30 PM. 
  • MS Girls will meet at church at 5:45 PM and be back at church by 8 PM.  This Bible study is hosted by April Offutt and Jena Williams.

Our next LTC Practice will be Sunday, February 28.  Join us immediately after church for lunch and practice. Practice will run from 12-4 PM.

The next Family Devotional will be Sunday night, February 28 from 4-7 PM. Guys bring drinks, girls bring desserts.

Our youth led worship is this Sunday night at 5 PM.  Join us as our young men lead our time of worship.

Leadership Training for Christ will be March 25-27th.   Thank you to all who have donated so far. We still need donations of drinks for this event (can cokes, juices, or Capri Suns), and donations of brownies, cookies, snacks, etc. (Either store bought or hand made).  Please see Kirk Reams or Kevin Brewer to donate.

LTC payments will be due Sunday, February 28.  It will be $105 for one night, $210 for two nights.

Special thanks to the following groups for providing our LTC lunches:

February 28 - Hispanic Congregation
March 6 - Care Group 7
March 20 – Poole & Morton Families

This blog is intended to help communicate to you what the youth ministry at League Street Church of Christ in Sulphur Springs, TX has planned.  This blog will be updated weekly and will be advertised through email and our Facebook group.  You may come to this blog at any time to get information on upcoming events for the youth ministry


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