News for June 7-13
Welcome to Summer! Our
interns, Paden Hemphill and Emily Helton are ready to leap into action as
summer takes off! What is happening?
Youth Devotional – Sunday night 5-7 PM. Students bring $5 for supper.
High School Girls Bible Study- starts Wednesday, June 10 at 9
AM. Meet at church!
Middle School Girls Bible Study- starts Thursday, June 11 at 9
AM. Meet at church!
Mission Trip: Be in prayer for our students that will attend the
mission trip to Fort Worth, TX June 14-18. We have a full crew of workers and we
are looking forward to serving God and his precious children. Note: We will need cases of bottled water
for the mission trip. If
your family wishes to donate a case of bottled water please leave them by the
church office.
Summer Youth Series – Kicks off in Mount Pleasant on Monday, June
15. Van will leave church at 6 PM and
return at 9:30 PM. Van driver and
chaperones needed for this event!
Camp Meribah, July 4-9 – League Street’s Church Camp applications
are out for all students currently in grades 3-12. Many families
have asked about multiple student pricing. If you are sending
multiple campers, the first camper will cost $120, every camper after that will
cost $100 each. Adult workers will pay $50 each to offset costs for
the week of camp.
Sunday AM Class - There
will be family devotional sheets available every week that build off of the
Sunday lesson. These lessons will be available in both paper format
and on this blog (see below). Take advantage of these family
devotional times with your child(ren.)
Family Devotional for Sunday, June 7.
In order to make a living, there is something that we all need: a job. There is nothing quite like landing that first job!
Getting there, though, can be quite grueling. It doesn’t take long when looking through job postings to see that employers
like to use words such as, “extraordinary”, “proven”, “qualified”, and “experienced.” For the first-time job
seeker, job-searching can quickly make one feel like an inadequate, unqualified, ordinary, and unlikely candidate.
It can at times leave one feeling hopeless. How can one gain experience if an employer isn’t willing to give him or
her the experience that comes with a particular job?
The good news is that many employers will take a chance on inexperienced workers. Many will see the potential and
happily train and equip a new employee in order to produce a quality worker that will serve the company well.
even better news is that God always does this! That’s how He works. When God calls us, He calls us just as we are,
equipping us for the mission that He has for our lives. He doesn’t require anyone to come to Him with a resume
and inform Him of what they believe that they can do. Instead, He equips us, empowers us, and, most of all, works
through us in order to accomplish His awesome plans and purposes.
God delights in turning our weaknesses into strengths. He loves to turn our excuses into miracles! All we need to
do is surrender to Him.
Moses was a very ordinary, flawed guy. He was no one special, yet God used him for His extraordinary purposes.
Spend some time reading Exodus 3:1–10 and 4:10–18 together as a family.
You will see how God thought much
more highly of Moses than Moses even thought of himself. Moses was full of excuses as to why he was not qualified
to fulfill God’s mission, yet with each excuse God reminded him of His own presence and His power.
Just as God promised Moses that He would equip him and never leave him. He wants to do the same for you. All that
God requires of us is surrender—the surrender of our excuses and our own agendas. He will take care of the rest. He
will make sure that we are fully equipped to fulfill His great purpose. That’s who God is. He is Lord God Almighty!
Connection Questions
1. Take a moment to think of someone in your life who really believes in you. How does it make you feel to
hear encouragement from that person? What difference does it make when you are discouraged?
2. Have you considered yourself as called by God? Consider the phrase that says, “God doesn’t call the
equipped, He equips the called.” How does that make you feel?
3. What is God calling you as an individual to do through Him? What is God calling you as a family to do
through Him? How do you feel about that mission?
4. Moses used the excuse of not being eloquent of speech in his effort to tell God that he was not the right
person for the job. What excuses to you use? Are you willing to surrender them and trust that God will give
you all you need plus His own presence in order to fulfill His mission?
5. How has God already used you to fulfill His purposes? Take a moment to list as many ways as possible. Are
you surprised by any of them? Could God use you in even bigger ways?
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