December 28, 2016
Thursday, December 29 - There has been a slight change in plans. Unfortunately, we did not have enough students sign up to buy tickets to go to Six Flags. Don't be sad! Join the League Street Youth Group as we go to see Star Wars: Rogue One and then challenge one another to Laser Tag! Meet at church at 3 PM, we will return to church by 7 PM. Bring $20 to pay for your movie ticket and laser tag. LTC - Our next LTC practice will be Sunday, January 8 from noon until 4:30 PM. If your child is participating in Leadership Training for Christ this year you need to turn in your child's name, grade and t-shirt size to Brad Sullivan. It is so wonderful to have a church that supports our young people! Many of our care groups and Bible classes have signed up to provide a lunch for our LTC practices. We are in need of groups to provide just a few more lunches. The dates that still need volunteers are: January 22, March 5, April 9. ...