News for May 24-31

Game Day! – This Sunday immediately following our Pot Luck Lunch.  Join the entire church and visitors from the community as we play board games, dominos, volleyball, basketball and soccer together.  Because of the fifth Sunday there will be no evening activities at League Street on Sunday, May 31. 

Mission Trip: Be in prayer for our students that will attend the mission trip to Fort Worth, TX June 14-18.  We have a full crew of workers and we are looking forward to serving God and his precious children.  Note:  We will need cases of bottled water for the mission trip.  If your family wishes to donate a case of bottled water please leave them by the church office.

Camp Meribah, July 4-9 – League Street’s Church Camp applications are out for all students currently in grades 3-12.  Many families have asked about multiple student pricing.  If you are sending multiple campers, the first camper will cost $120, every camper after that will cost $100 each.  Adult workers will pay $50 each to offset costs for the week of camp. 

Sunday AM Class - There will be family devotional sheets available every week that build off of the Sunday lesson.  These lessons will be available in both paper format and on this blog (see below).  Take advantage of these family devotional times with your child(ren.)

This blog is intended to help communicate to you what the youth ministry at League Street Church of Christ in Sulphur Springs, TX has planned.  This blog will be updated weekly and will be advertised through email and our Facebook group.  You may come to this blog at any time to get information on upcoming events for the youth ministry.

Drive: The Mission of God in the World 
Lesson 6, Family Devotional 

While serving as a missionary and expecting her fifth baby, Pam became sick with a disease common to the Philippines. This young mom was advised by the local doctor to abort her baby due to the disease. As Pam prayed with her husband, Bob, together they felt God clearly telling them to refuse the medical advice and proceed with the pregnancy. God had an amazing plan, and a beautiful baby boy was born. 

Three years later, the family moved back to the states. They watched their youngest son grow into a strong and talented individual, and in 2006 this young man burst onto the national scene. His skills and abilities are amazing, and his humble spirit astonishes reporters everywhere. After every event, he starts his interview by saying, “I would first like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave me the ability to play football.” Tim Tebow, miracle child of Pam and Bob Tebow, a child the world said to get rid of, is on a mission to glorify God. Thousands of young men play college sports every year and serve as role models to others—yet who gets the glory? 

Read Psalm 96:1–13 as a family. 

Psalm 96 first appeared in 1 Chronicles 16: 23–33. King David ordered the Ark of the Covenant to be transported to Jerusalem. He honored God by writing Psalm 96 specifically for the Ark’s arrival, which represented God’s presence among His people. The celebration erupted with the Israelites offering praise and glory to God through songs, gifts, testimony, and worship. 

Psalm 96 reaches into time and calls all of us to bring honor and glory to God’s presence in our daily lives. Sometimes called a “missionary hymn,” Psalm 96 reminds us that that we are not only to glorify Him but also to spread the news of His greatness to all nations. 

As Christians, we are to share in the same mission that Tim Tebow has been given. Tebow said, “I am just trying to go out there and honor God with as much passion and enthusiasm as I can.” Everyone is blessed with gifts and talents, and our talents are to be used for the purpose of bringing glory to God. 

1. How can your family members encourage one another to glorify God amidst difficult situations? 
2. What are the gifts and talents that your family members possess? How can you use these gifts and talents to bring glory to God?” 
3. If you were to write a psalm of praise with your family, what theme(s) would emerge? How can your family use this experience to bring honor and glory to God? 
4. Make a list of your spiritual goals and priorities. Where does God fit within your list? Is God listed as a “once a week” Sunday experience? What activities can be eliminated in order to make more time for your family to bring glory to God? 
5. What can your family do to spread God’s glory and tell of His greatness to the nations? What specific steps could your family take to participate in a mission effort? What could be sacrificed to turn this idea into a reality?


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