News for May 10-16 and Family Devotional

Senior Sunday Night will be Sunday, May 17.  Join us at our evening worship and after as we honor our graduating HS Seniors: Coen Price, Rayli Price, Kaylan Griffin and Lindsey Froneberger.

Guys / Girls Bible Study - Remember, our HS girls and our guys meet at 7 PM every Monday night for a time of intense Bible study. Guys meet at the church, girls meet at Emily Helton's home.  This Bible study will break for the summer after May 18.

Urban Legends – We meet every Wednesday night at 6:30 PM for an exploration of urban legends and how they affect our relationship with God.

Prayer Breakfast - Thursday at 7:00 AM in the church fellowship hall. The Offutt family is providing breakfast this week.

Drive - The Youth Ministry is in a series on Sunday morning focusing on God’s mission for the world and our place in it.  There will be family devotional sheets available every week that build off of the Sunday lesson.  These lessons will be available in both paper format and on this blog (see below).  Take advantage of these family devotional times with your child(ren.)

Summer Events - Applications for our summer mission trip to Fort Worth (June 14-18, grades 6-12) and Camp Meribah (our summer camp for grades 3-12, July 4-9) are available on the bulletin board in the north lobby hallway and on our Facebook page.  Space is limited so sign up soon!

This blog is intended to help communicate to you what the youth ministry at League Street Church of Christ in Sulphur Springs, TX has planned.  This blog will be updated weekly and will be advertised through email and our Facebook group.  You may come to this blog at any time to get information on upcoming events for the youth ministry.

Family Devotional for Sunday, May 17, 2015:

Drive: The Mission of God in the World
Lesson 4, Family Devotion

Have you ever noticed how many cop shows are on television? There are many! From Adam 12 in the ‘60s to CSI to everyone’s favorite—COPS. With more than 750 episodes, COPS is the one of the longest running television programs in the United States. It goes without saying that Americans have a fascination with watching the good guys take down the bad guys. There is an element that holds true for each show. In every one, the good guys, usually law enforcement personnel of some sort, receive a call regarding a crime. With each call there is the automatic assumption that the officer will respond. The call is not given just to inform, but rather to send.
Like a police officer that is called and sent, we too have received a call. We have received a call from our Heavenly Father.

We have been called to join God in His pursuit to reconcile the world back to Himself. Within that call we are also sent. We are sent to declare the Good News of His Kingdom. Much like that police officer, there is the expectation to go once we receive the call. Because a handful of men responded to the call that Jesus placed on their lives, we are a part of His body, the Church today. Take a moment to read the story found in Luke 9:1–6 and 10:1–2. Read about Jesus’ instructions to His disciples as He sent them out to declare His Good News of salvation to the world around them.

In these accounts we can see that Christ’s disciples were given three elements for their mission. They were given purpose, power, and provisions. Their purpose was to preach and bring healing. They were given power to accomplish the task set before them, and they were told not to take with them food, money, or extra clothes. Jesus wanted them to understand that He would provide. These three elements were not just for His disciples—they are for us as well. We are called with the expectation that we will go.
The question is: Do we have the faith required to accept the call?

1. Think about the following statement: “We are called with the expectation that we will go.” How does that make you feel? Nervous? Excited? Why or why not?

2. If you were one of Christ’s original disciples, how might you have felt when given your assignment? Would you have been eager or hesitant to go?

3. Think about your faith for a moment. Do you trust God enough to give you all that you need to fulfill the call that He has placed on your life? In order to effectively fulfill your calling, is there an area of your life that you need to let go of and trust Him with?

4. What might Christ be calling you to? Think together as a family about how God might desire to use you. Are there other family members that need to hear His Good News? Is there an area of the world in which God could use you to meet the needs of people? Do you trust Him enough to go?

5. Think about the friends that God has placed in your life. Do you have friends where you go to school, where you work, or where you play that need to hear the Good News? Is God calling you to them? Will you trust Him to meet you there and give you all that you need in order to share His love with them?


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