News for May 24-31
Game Day! – This Sunday immediately following our Pot Luck Lunch. Join the entire church and visitors from the community as we play board games, dominos, volleyball, basketball and soccer together. Because of the fifth Sunday there will be no evening activities at League Street on Sunday, May 31. Mission Trip: Be in prayer for our students that will attend the mission trip to Fort Worth, TX June 14-18. We have a full crew of workers and we are looking forward to serving God and his precious children. Note: We will need cases of bottled water for the mission trip. If your family wishes to donate a case of bottled water please leave them by the church office. Camp Meribah, July 4-9 – League Street’s Church Camp applications are out for all students currently in grades 3-12. Many families have asked about multiple student pricing. If you are sending multiple campers, the first camper will cost $120, every c...