January 30, 2017

Camp Deer Run - Many of our families participate in Camp Deer Run in Winnsboro, TX.  There will be a church bus taking day campers (age 5-8) to Deer Run during the first Pee Wee session June 5-8.  Many of our older campers (9-17) will also be attending camp that first week session.  Registration and more details can be found at www.campdeerrun.com.

Leadership Training for Christ -   Our LTC team is in need of snack food and canned drink donations for our annual trip to the LTC Convention.  See Angelica Hernandez, Kirk Reams or Brad Sullivan to donate.  Your overwhelming generosity is a huge part of our success at LTC year after year.  Thank you to all of you who have served or will serve our young people.

Our next LTC practice will be Sunday, February 12 from noon until 4:00 PM. Families need to sign up for LTC lodging on the back wall of the fellowship hall.

Our next Youth Devotional will be Sunday, February 12.

Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast happens every Tuesday school is in session at 7:00 AM in the fellowship hall at church.  Hosts for coming weeks are:

January 31 - Tag & Jena Williams
February 7 - Travis & Charlene Aven
February 14 - Tommy & Lyndsay Anderson
February 21 - Steve & Roxanne Swafford
February 28 - Hilda Santillian

Middle School Retreat at Camp Deer Run is March 24-26! Students and volunteers can sign up on the back wall of the fellowship hall.

DFW Girls Gathering, our yearly event for girls in grades 6-12 and their moms will be April 1.  Registration cost is $30 and you can sign up on the back wall of the fellowship hall.

We have a Children's Church for ages 3 - Pre-K on Sunday mornings following our Children's Offering  in room 103.  Workers will be:

February 5 - Kimberly Williams
February 12 - Jena Williams
February 19 -  Darla Reed
February 26 - Brad Sullivan
March 5 - LaVon Savage

This blog is intended to help communicate to you what the youth ministry at League Street Church of Christ in Sulphur Springs, TX has planned.  This blog will be updated weekly and will be advertised through email and our Facebook group.  You may come to this blog at any time to get information on upcoming events for the youth ministry


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