July 31, 2019
NETSYS Devotional - the last one of the summer will be Monday, August 5 in Daingerfield. Meet at the building at 5:45 PM we will return by 9:30 PM. Eat supper before you come. Wednesday, August 4 will be the last day for summer intern Brynn Offutt. Please take a chance this week to share your appreciation for the service she has given to our church family and youth this summer. Join the League Street Youth for a lake devotional with our friends from Northridge CoC in Mt. Pleasant on Sunday, August 11 from 2-6 PM. We will meet at the Skillman's home on Cypress Springs Lake to swim, worship and eat. All students will wear lifejackets while swimming in the river. August 25 there will be an adult / student combined class discussing the youth ministry dates and events of the coming year. Make plans to join us in the youth room from 9:30-10:15 on that Sunday morning. This blog is intended to help communicate to you what the youth ministry at League Street Churc...