January 29, 2019
Service Sunday - This Sunday, Feb. 3 all young people and adults are invited to a time of service to others. Meet after church in the fellowship hall. We will eat lunch at Pizza Inn and then spend a couple of hours raking leaves and helping others. Bring $6-8 for lunch. Youth Small Groups begin meeting this Wednesday night. We will gather for worship in the large youth room and go into our groups after worship. Special thanks to our small group leaders: Kevin Brewer, Amanda Reams, Courtney Singleton, Larry Wardrup, and Tag Williams. These adults give their time and attention to our young people every week. Praise God for mission minded adults like these who invest in our young people! Important Update: Our Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast is moving to a new format. We will meet monthly on the first Tuesday of every month for Prayer Breakfast at area restaurants or in the fellowship hall. Our next prayer breakfast will be this Tuesday, ...