September 29, 2016
Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast happens every Tuesday school is in session at 7:00 AM in the fellowship hall at church. Hosts for coming weeks are: October 4 - Steve & Roxanne Swafford October 11 - Kirk & Amanda Reams October 18 - Larry Wardrup & Crystal Woehrl The next Youth Devotional will be October 9 from 6-8 PM at the home of Brian & Courtney Singleton. The bus will leave the church at 4:45 PM. Beaver's Bend Canoeing Trip - October 15, 2016. Enjoy a day on the river with grades 6-12 and their families. Participants need to turn in $20 deposit to hold their spot. Walk 4 Water update - Thanks to your support our W4W event raised more than $4,600 for water wells in Ghana. You are a blessing to this community and to those all over the world. A warm thank you is due to Gwen and Tommy Panter for hosting our most recent youth devotional. We had a wonderful time around the campfire making S'mores and hotdogs. The youth ...