March 28, 2016
Middle School Girls Monday Night Bible Study will not meet this week due to sickness at the hosts house. It usually meets every week school is in session at church at 5:45 PM and be back at church by 8 PM. Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast happens every week school is in session at 7:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for this awesome time of prayer, Bible study and fellowship. The families who are slated to provide breakfast in the coming weeks are: March 29 - Bassham April 5 - Bayuk April 12 - Swafford April 19 - Reams April 26 - Hernandez May 3 - Santillian May 10 - Brewer Our Leadership Training for Christ weekend was a fantastic time together! Join us this Sunday morning during worship for a presentation of our LTC participants and coaches. Thank you to all of you who donated drinks, snacks, food, etc. to make this event happen. Special thanks to Kevin & Kimberly Brewer and Kirk & Amanda Reams for leading LTC this year. T...